Saturday, August 24, 2013

Top Ten Reasons Why We LOVE Sports: Day Seven

#4) The Camaraderie – The whole point to play sports or watch sports is to have fun, right?  Okay, maybe not, but it’s a huge portion of the point, next to winning.  Merriam-Webster defines camaraderie as a spirit of friendly good-fellowship.  Basically, camaraderie is getting along very well with the people around you.  Fans getting along with fans. Players getting along with players, and coaches. 

To have camaraderie is something special.  You can’t find it growing on a tree or even on eBay.  No, it takes two or more people that just understand each other and, in the end, have a common goal.  For the fans, that goal is making sure they see the whole game and hopefully from a reasonable seat.  For the players and coaches it’s obviously winning the game and eventually winning championships.  At least that’s what we hope the players and coaches want to do, and that their not just in it for the money. 

What camaraderie really is though, pertaining to the sports world, is having the greatest time of your life.  Having fun.  A team of players competing week in and week out, playing the game they love with teammates they love even more.  It truly is one of the most perfect examples of camaraderie, next to America’s Military.  When it comes to the fans’ camaraderie, we all remember the first game our Dad took us to.  We all remember when Mom finally picked out a jersey for game days.  A memory I will always love is going to my hometown hockey team’s games with my Grandmother.  She loves hockey.  Not because it’s incredibly hard to skate and shoot a puck at the same time.  Not because of the scoring or the horn after the score.  No, it’s because of the fights.  That’s right, my Grandmother loves hockey because of the fights.  She loves seeing two opponents rip their gloves off and duke it out.  The camaraderie that is lost by those two opponents is surely gained by my Grandmother and I, and I couldn’t love it any more. 

So there you have it.  Camaraderie is #4.  Check in tomorrow for #3.

1 comment:

  1. You got it right, love the fights, your great grandpa (my dad) would have loved to have been there with us, i love going to hockey games with you, anytime, just call
